postato in: Artisti, Rewind Music | 1

Attivi nell’underground milanese dal 2009, Nero & The Doggs, prima conosciuti semplicemente come Doggs, sono l’incarnazione di quanto ci sia di più oscuro e minaccioso nelle vie della loro città natale; più c’è luce più c’è ombra. Nero and The Doggs hanno scelto questo lato della strada per proporre il loro sound tossico, crudo e miasmatico. Il mondo che li circonda è scuro, cupo, vizioso, acido e lacerante e  la loro musica  è fatta di chitarre slabbrate , pelli violentate, cupi assoli di violoncello, cavalcate dissonanti e distorte alternate a sghembi blues acustici . Semplice e diretto garage rock’n’roll: nulla di più nulla di meno, ma con una raggiunta maturità stilistica. Stooges, Mc5, Velvet underground, Dead Boys, New York dolls e Black Sabbath sono i numi tutelari della band da sempre, che nell’album “Death Blues” si mescolano assieme per generare un sound originale rendendolo un disco unico e prezioso per il panorama italiano.

Born from the union and division of differents souls, Nero & The Doggs are musically active in the underground scene since January 2009.

Nero is simply fuckin’ rock’n’roll. Just the sound of the street that reaches you and marks you deep down inside. It’s a wild music desease that explodes in your brain in the dark of the night.Nero is a rush of paranoia and truth, a rush of distorsion and feedback that chases you till death. The Doggs are his goodfellas. They are his armed arms against the law, against any kind of law, against any compromise, against the fake world that surrounds us, simply against you. Angry guitars that kick your ass, obsessive and psychedelic rhythms are their label mark. Nero & The Doggs are just a band of dirty,grave,raw,rotten rock’n’roll inspired by a true and deep passion for the musical garage/punk scene of the latest ’60 and ’70.Stooges, Mc5, Velvet underground, Dead Boys, New York dolls and Black Sabbath are their holy bible. Nothing more nothing less. Nero is the leader singer and bass player. He is the soul and the mouthpiece of this ensemble. The Doggs are the rest that completes the holy trinity.

“Nero doesn’t play for fun, doesn’t play for plasure. Plays to survive and to carry on the real essence of rock’n’roll.”

Acquista Ora


The Doggs – 2009 EP – No front Teeth Records,

Black Love – 2011 EP – self-released)

Sounds of underground – 2010 compilation – Vololibero Edizioni

Red Sessions – 2012 Album – self-released

Death Blues – 2013 album, Rocketman Records




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